There Are No More Babies in My House
O: I am not a tiny O anymore. I am a gigantic O who makes her own choices.
There are no more babies in my house. O will be four at the end of the month and P is 20 months. Somehow, last week, she stopped sleeping in the crib. I'm still not sure how it happened. I was cleaning their room and I started investigating what it would take to remove the one side of the crib railing. Next thing I knew, it was off and O, recognizing what a great fort this three sided crib/bed would make, quickly claimed it as her own. I put the safety railings back on the toddler bed, and P climbed right in, like she'd never slept anywhere else. We are realistically about 3 weeks away from being done with diapers all together, as P has been using the potty with more and more regularity since she was 6 months old. Yep, there are no more babies in my house.
When did that happen?
Maybe we should get a puppy.